school adress Evanjelické gymnázium J. A. Komenského Škultétyho 10, 04001 Košice principal Mgr. Martin Ilavský telephone : 055 / 6815610 e-mail : administrative vice-principal Mgr. Milana Kocková telephone : 055 / 6815612 e-mail : vice-principal RNDr. Iveta Vargová telephone : 055 / 6815612 e-mail : telephone 055 / 6815611 secretary 055 / 6815614 financial manager, accountant 055 / 6815615 school advisor and school chaplain 055 / 6815616 main door, information and keys 055 / 6815617 office of Arts and Music 055 / 6815618 office of Physics 055 / 6815619 office of Mathematics and Geography 055 / 6815620 office of English 055 / 6815621 office of Slovak, History and Social Studies 055 / 6815622 staff room 055 / 6815623 office of Biology and Chemistry 055 / 6815625 office of Physical Education 055 / 6815626 office of Information Technology I 055 / 6815613 office of Information Technology II 055 / 6815627 janitor 055 / 6815628 school dining room 055 / 6815629 office of German and French e-mail website |