Malý atlas z množstva výborných prác žiakov II. A a II. B triedy – ukážkové vypracovania zadania na hodinu geografie (p. uč. Poláková) „Tematická mapa“ (práca s dátami a tvorba mapy pomocou digitálnych nástrojov).
Autori máp: Ella Palenčárová, Marek Vasil, Elena Grinvalská a Barbora Vysoká z II. A, Lillian Lagosová, Bernadett Lukácsová, Filip Marko a Dušan Orság z II. B.
“The good cartographer is both a scientist and an artist. He must have a thorough knowledge of his subject and model, the Earth…. He must have the ability to generalize intelligently and to make a right selection of the features to show. These are represented by means of lines or colors; and the effective use of lines or colors requires more than knowledge of the subject – it requires artistic judgement.” ~ Erwin Josephus Raisz (1893 – 1968)